Women’s Association News – January 2018
The 2017 bazaar was a wonderful success. The Women’s Association wants to thank everyone who helped in any way; it wouldn’t have happened so well without you. The Tea Room, with all the delectable sandwiches and cookies, served about fifty. Pounds and pounds cookies were sold. The bake/candy tables were filled; the craft tables overflowed. The raffle ticket tumbler was nicely filled. While the “sales floor” was never crowded, the flow was steady and customers cheerful. The bazaar, along with the raffle, raised nearly $3000! So, with praise to God and thanks to many, the Women’s Association is able to continue to support its missions, and provide additional support to The BRICK and New Day Shelter.
The proceeds from the raffle were designated for local charities. More than 900 tickets were sold; after expenses (license, quilting costs), $375 was sent to The BRICK and $200 to the New Day Shelter. Our winners: Jamie Welch of Washburn won the quilt; Tom and Connie Cogger won the flight; and Anna Fridsma won a gift certificate (a surprise addition to the raffle). Again, thank you to all who participated.
And so the bazaar is wrapped up for another year! Well done, everyone.
Thank you!
Women’s Thank Offering
We wanted to say thank you to the congregation for your generosity in giving $368 for the Thank Offering, which will fund projects of the Presbyterian Women throughout the country. Thank you so much!
Looking forward into the new year, There will be a pasty sale at the end of January, just in time for the Super Bowl. More information will be available, along with the requests for help with this project.
We wish everyone a blessed New Year.