Inter-generational Ministry – June 2020
Hello, Church Family,
June marks the end of our Sunday school year. We have had many wonderful experiences together visiting the nursing homes, sending Christmas boxes around the world, singing in church, sharing stories, and enjoying parties.
This year has seen a shift in our programs from in-person classes to online learning. With the help of your amazing teachers, our tech support team, and you – we were able to make this process seamless. Our students were able to receive lessons via mail, hand delivery, Facebook, and Zoom casts. I am very proud of all of you for continuing to participate in your Sunday school lessons. It shows just how strong we are as a church family. I pray that we continue to grow and shift
effortlessly in the changes ahead.
As some of you may already know, this is my final year of serving as your Intergenerational Ministry Coordinator. I hope that you feel I have served your families and our church well. It has been an honor to be a part of such a kind, giving, and loving church. I am proud of the many ways we have served our church, our community, and our world.
We have done everything from making baby hats for newborns in the hospitals, volunteering at local events, taking nature hikes, roller skating, donating money to a school in Africa, and representing our church at a Presbyterian Youth Conference. Together with God we
create an amazing world worth living in.
I pray for only the greatest future of our children, their families, and our church. I want to thank you for allowing me to serve you. Remember we are UPCC – Uniting People Celebrating Christ.
Much love and God’s blessings