Ministry and Mission
The United Presbyterian and First Congregational Church is strongly oriented toward mission and ministry.
Ministry and Mission
In August 2016, Pastor Jim Deters began his work in our church.
In time and talents, the congregation continues a long held tradition of support for ministry and mission causes.
Financial support is given for world mission, through benevolence funds submitted to the Presbyterian Church (USA) and United Church of Christ. In addition, through commitment of time and talents, members of the congregation contribute to medical mission and education work.
Local missions include BRICK Ministries, New Day Shelter, Faith In Action, Genesis, Relay for Life, Gideon’s, and direct assistance (rental/heating assistance, emergency health services, energy bills, fire relief) for persons in need.
Organizations of youth and adults of the congregation have volunteered valuable time and talent to ministry and mission work that includes Christian Education, the Women’s Association (whose ongoing projects include collecting Campbell labels and box-tops for education for the Ashland Schools, craft and sewing supplies for a craft cooperative in Appalachia, lap robes sewn by and distributed to local nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the area, Birthday and Thank Offerings for Presbyterian Women, “Game Day” held once a month at Court Manor, and Bible Study.)
Supported in various ways, other programs include the radio ministry, alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous groups, bi-monthly church family dinners, and community cultural events.
Fellowship and Ministry Opportunities
Men’s Bible Study, Women’s Bible Study, Rise and Shine Ladies, Canasties (ladies fellowship), Mary Martha Circle, Deborah Circle, Women’s Association, Sunday School and Adult Sunday School. An email publication includes weekly information about coming events.
Music Ministry
Under the leadership of Nancy Dufek, Marian Penn, and Diana Mann, the church has a vibrant music ministry, which includes a beautiful pipe organ and piano supplement, an adult choir, and numerous talented instrumentalists. The choir meets for practice on Wednesdays from September through May. Music includes a varied assortment of both contemporary and traditional hymns. Facilities are also provided for musical events of Northland College, Ashland Chamber Music Society, The Community Christmas Concert, and others.
Youth Ministry
The church is a safe and welcoming space for youth. Regularly scheduled events are conducted. A middle school group meets on Wednesday nights. Sunday School for high school youth is held every week during the school year. During the summer, weekly bonfires for high school youth, and bi-weekly Breakfast Clubs are an attraction for youth.
In addition to regularly scheduled events, some special events for youth are included to continue Christian Education and provide opportunities to serve.